Irene Kyuhee Noh



Project: Cloud-based SaaS Web Design

My Role: Lead UX Designer

Team: Product Owner, Product Manager, and UX Designer

Timeframe: 1 Year

Tools: Pen and Paper, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator & Miro

Background: Senseon Plus is a cabinet-level access control designed for doors, drawers, and display cases. Senseon Plus Software comes with audit trail capability, which provides the time, location, and identity of a person attempting access and reports any failed efforts. In the event of an unauthorized attempt, the software generates a local alarm and informs connected systems, such as video surveillance and silent alarm systems. The data provided also helps retailers improve employee accountability and product merchandising.

The system incorporates an easy-to-use handheld programmer that allows system administrators to securely manage user permissions, program advanced security features, and collect audit trail data.

My main task for this project was to perform a UX process to design Senseon Plus Software that provides meaningful and relevant experiences to users.



I. DISCOVER : Look for meaning


C&C Analysis


My team and I brainstormed ways to kick start this project. We researched potential competitors, users, navigation, and sketches of reports and graphs.

Before this project started, my team went to a trade show where our potential competitors displayed their audit trail software. With my team's information collected from the trade show, I performed a C&C Analysis to understand the competitor's product.



Competitive & Comparative Analysis    



II. DEFINE : Edit insight

Understanding Users

User Persona

User Journey Map


For the next step, I organized our targeted users from different industries and created User Persona and User Journey Map to understand the users.

Understanding users is one of the most critical parts of UX research.

A deep understanding of user behavior and needs make it possible to determine who a product is being created for, and what the necessary and unnecessary items are from a user-centered point of view.

Understanding Users

User Types

User Persona

User Journey Map



III. DEVELOP : Explore Possibilities

Early Stage

User Survey

Usability Test


After gathering all the results from the research, I was able to sketch out the ideas and created the mid-fi wireframes and clickable prototypes to use to test out the system. To test out the software, I sent the prototype to one of the trade shows and created a user survey to gather information from potential customers.

Early Stage


User Survey


Usability Test


Test Results



IIII. DELIVER : Prototype, Test, Revise and Repeat

Style Guide

Hi-Fi Wireframes

User Journey Map


Final Product

Next Steps


Finally, I put the test results and the wireframes together to create the final prototype and sent it over to the developers. In about six months, we launched the first beta version of the Senseon Plus Software.

Research Findings / Updates


UI Updates


Activity Log

Style Guide


 Next Steps >

  • Usability testing

  • Customer Feedback

  • Improving mobile version


Native Mobile App Idea


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